
Sunday 2 April 2023

Buskers - Leeds, Yorkshire

I was walking through Leeds city centre when I spotted the people shown in the photo above walking with musical instrument cases. Thinking there might be a photo opportunity I follwed them for a short while till they decided they had found a suitable place to set up on Commercial street, Leeds.

These buskers are 3/5's of a local band called The Monkeywrenchers, from the left the are Medway Emmy Jane - vocals, mandolin, occasional harp and whistle, Snaggle Tooth Tim - vocals, guitar and last but not least Mademoiselle Brigitte DuBois - fiddle and band Southern Belle.

I am the worlds worst guitarist but I know what I like, I listened to them for several songs and they can play, I would like to see the full band in action.

You can listen to the band and find more info about them including upcoming gigs on The Monkeywrenchers myspace page.

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