
Sunday 2 April 2023

Road Works - Too Many Signs?

I was walking around Shipley, Yorkshire not far from my home when I saw the road work signs in this photo.

Sometimes when looking for a subject for both my camera and the Leeds Daily Photo I struggle to find something. I knew as soon as I saw these signs that here was a story and I think also a decent picture too.

OK I will grant that they were working on the road (Not at this time though it being Sunday pm) but there are 8 signs in around 50 yards of pavement as can be seen in the photograph each of them with a different message.

Funny, I normally struggle to photograph around street signage, not with this picture though! Whilst I was taking this photo, kneeling in the roadway a nearby PCSO saw me and came over to see that I was OK. I assured her that I was fine just getting down to get the photo.

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