
Sunday 2 April 2023

Big Cat, Tiger - City Museum

This photo shows the Leeds tiger, viewed at the city museum by generations of families, it is a very popular exhibit.

This Bengal tiger when given to the Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society in the 19th century was a tigerskin rug which was then stuffed with straw before being exhibited.

The Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society founded in 1819, had its own building in Park Row, Leeds where it housed a museum collection. In 1921 the museum collection became the foundation of the Leeds city museum when it was given to Corporation of Leeds which later became Leeds City Council.

There was a campaign to save the tiger, which at one time was in real danger of being thrown out. Having suffered the indignity of being a floor rug and being later badly stuffed, this magnificent beast is at last I think in a better place.

Today this Bengal tiger has pride of place at the entrance to the natural history gallery in the Leeds city museum.

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